Botanical Gardens in Uchaux
Châteauneuf-du-Pape > Uchaux
Explore the massif of Uchaux and discover the local flora on this botanical trail.
The massif of Uchaux, which extends over several hectares, has the distinction of being partly on limestone and siliceous ground, hence the presence of many species such as kermes and white cistus. The trail allows you to discover the local silicultural flora: heather, arbutus, cistus with sage flower, maritime pine.
Before leaving the centre of the village, get the brochure Hiking in Aygues Ouvèze, on sale in most shops in Sérignan.
For the bravest: Leave the car on the Place de l'Eglise (except on Wednesday, market day). The botanical trail is 1.5 km towards Lagarde Pareol, by the D 65. From the roundabout, 1 km from the church square, follow the signpost "Parcours botanique".
For the less brave: By car, follow the direction Lagarde Paréol, by the D 65. From the roundabout, 1 km from the church square, follow the signs "Parcours botanique", and park the car at Parking indicated by the sign. The botanical course "In the footsteps of J.H. Fabre" is located 500 m from the parking lot.