Imagine a stay where every detail is carefully orchestrated to meet your most refined desires. Our concierge service is at your disposal to offer you a personalised, hassle-free experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty and charm of Provence.

Enhance your stay with our exclusive concierge services

Included as part of your stay with us at Provence Holidays is our dedicated concierge service. Our team can help you organise additional services to build your perfect holiday: private chefs, guided tours, massage therapist, a hiking guide, wine tours and bicycle hire and many more exciting options.

We would love to share with you our favourite experiences and help you plan your holiday activities to make sure your experience in Provence is the best it can be.

Our concierge services are as follows:

Contact our concierge services

Available for any questions before and during your stay at a Provence Holidays property, our team of on-site experts will help you plan your dream vacation.


In order to receive our reply and our subsequent messages, we recommend that you add the address [email protected] to your contacts.

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